Meet the Buffalo Video Tour

     It's past time for you, my faithful dozen readers, to meet Theodore, our camper. Call him Teddy. As mentioned way back in the beginning, it's a 1967 Apache Buffalo, and it's quirky as hell. I thought it would be interesting to show the process of getting it set up, both for the casual observers and for anyone who has come into possession of an old canvas Apache. Best of luck to you if you have, and don't stray too far from your toolbox.

    It was definitely interesting to park among all of the modern camper vans and tour bus-sized RV's. We were the oldest camper just about every place we stayed, barring maybe a few Airstreams, but I very much came to appreciate the simplicity of our Buffalo. It's the perfect balance of a little extra space and luxury while still feeling connected to your surroundings.

    In the words of Mr. T, enough jibber-jabber. Meet Teddy:
