Turning the Table


    The table in the Buffalo is an interesting setup. When not in use as a table it serves as a sleeping platform, resting on a pair of ledges between the two benches. But when you're stuck inside on a rainy day and you want to sit on the benches and play a board game, you attach four legs to the some brackets on the bottom and it turns into a table. It's a simple yet effective setup, making the most of the limited space inside.

    Like most of the other 50+ year-old plywood I've been dealing with, the table was in rough shape. I set it up outside, administered a few rounds of sanding, and then tasked my crew with designing a paint scheme and executing it.

    My only parameters were to use colors we already had in the house, and to not make it so complicated that they'd never finish it. After a few coats of primer they were ready to start slinging some color.
    They went bold, with a red-green-blue-pink-aqua motif, with the idea that I'd paint a buffalo in the center square. When all was said and done, it came out sweet.
    Four coats of sealer to resist chipping and this job is in the books. Now, even rainy days stuck inside the camper will be bright.
