Offsetting Our Impact


    This is a receipt from a company called Native, which, among many other wonderful things, will work with you to offset your carbon footprint in a wide range of areas, including daily energy use, special events, and travel. They have a very user-friendly interface and, using their calculator, was able to easily figure out the impact of our trip.

    I estimated 9,000 miles of travel, which I think is rounded up enough to cover our bases. The fact that our Toyota Rav4 is a hybrid helped our score immensely. It turns out we will be emitting roughly 2.33 tons of CO2. That's a big number, which is why I wanted to do something to offset our impact. The interesting thing about Native is that they fund small projects for farms and businesses to make this happen. In our case, our money is going to help create more energy-efficient bricks for construction in India. So not only are we trying to do our par to lessen our impactt, we're helping make lives better across the globe. Win-win.

