Odds and Ends and Fun Stuff

     Here's a roundup of a few final things, some practical, some just for fun:

    This falls squarely in the realm of practical. Re-greasing wheel bearings definitely does not reside in the fun zone, but it's a must-do. These tiny wheels rotate very quickly as you zoom down the highway, and the heat buildup can be dangerous if everything isn't properly greased and adjusted. Even though my bearings were relatively new and didn't have many miles on them, I took apart the wheel assembly and re-packed the bearings with new grease. When the wheel is removed is also a great time to clean out the entire area and re-waterproof the joints around the tire-well. Not glamorous work, but gives good peace of mind.
    On to the fun stuff! I applied this decal to one of the plain white walls inside the camper. Right now the only color is little blue New Hampshire, but I cannot wait to see the rainbow emerge as we follow our path. By the time we get home, at least 22 states will be colored in.
    Yeah, some might consider this license plate frame cheesy, I think it fits our Buffalo perfectly.
    I know you've seen the table already, but it's so fun I had to include it again, deployed in the bed platform configuration. It totally brings joy to the space.
    If a grown man getting excited by contact paper is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
